A Biblical, Reformed, & Confessional Church in Yuma.
As a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC), we are a confessional church that affirms and confesses the biblical system of doctrine known as the “Reformed” faith. "The Reformed faith finds its entire authority in the teaching of the Word of God" (from OPC.org).
"The primary standard of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is God's Holy Word. The Westminster Standards, comprised of the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Westminster Larger Catechism, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism are our secondary standards containing the system of doctrine set forth in holy Scripture. The Book of Church Order is our tertiary standard, and is comprised of the Form of Government, the Book of Discipline, and the Directory for Public Worship" (click here for link).
The term “Orthodox” literally means "straight thinking." By this we mean that our faith and doctrines are derived solely from the Holy Bible (the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments). To be “unorthodox” is to adopt or allow unbiblical doctrines or false teachings. We strive to believe and practice what God has revealed in his Word. "So, in an Orthodox Presbyterian church you will find straight teaching following the long-accepted pattern given in the Bible" (from OPC.org).
The term “Presbyterian” means that we derive our church government from the example given in the Bible. "From the time of Abraham in the Old Testament, God's church has been led by wise elders, men gifted by God and called to govern his church. The word presbyterian comes from the New Testament Greek word presbyteros, meaning "elder." The Orthodox Presbyterian Church has followed this biblical pattern for church government. Local church elders, along with the pastor, form a "session" to care for the spiritual welfare of our members. Matters of common concern for churches in a given region, such as establishing new congregations and ordaining ministers, are regulated by a body of ministers and elders called a "presbytery." Annually, representatives of our sixteen presbyteries form a "general assembly" to give the whole Church direction and advice" (from OPC.org). For more information about the OPC church government click here.
The term “confessional” means that we affirm and confess orthodox Christian standards in the form of biblical creeds, confessions, and catechisms (short teachings by questions and answers). In doing so, we keep ourselves connected to the historic, universal Christian church and protect ourselves from diluting our faith with false teachings or the surrounding culture. Click here for an example of a short and solid confession of faith by B. B. Warfield. We also have a catechism for teaching young children about God; click here.
Creeds, confessions, and catechisms are simply statements about what we believe about particular terms or doctrines. It is vital for us to openly and accurately define what we believe to know and confess who God has truly revealed himself to be and how we can be made right with him (Romans 3:10, 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9, 10:13, 8:1). Orthodox, Christian creeds and confessions are a common ground for believers in Jesus Christ to enjoy unity, fellowship, and edification. A great example of a universal, orthodox Christian statement of faith is the Apostles’ Creed which dates to the Second Century. It speaks of the holy “catholic” church, which means the holy “universal” church, not the “Roman” Catholic Church (catholic literally means universal). Below are some helpful resources if you would like to learn more.
Westminster Confession of Faith
First Catechism (for children)
A Brief and Untechnical Statement of the Reformed Faith by B.B. Warfield